Monday, November 2, 2009

sorry mom

ok so theres this site that is
(its an awesomely funny website, check it out)
and this one made me laugh in cake kinda way
610: I was thinking about baking his mom
"sorry you found out i was sleeping with your son" cupcakes
ok so maybe i thought it was funny

Ahhhh!! Vampires

awww aren't they just too cute!!
they're gluten free, and come complete with fake blood....
i think they got a little hungry maybe!!
close-up - too cute for their own good

these are vampire frogs. its how they turned out, and thats the story i'm sticking with

Friday, October 30, 2009

Nathan's 18th Birthday Cake

ok so i thought i should at least aim to make a decent post a month, and since well i havent baked in a month (oh shock horror, it is possible - dont talk to me about the frustrations of being not allowed to "make a mess of my precious kitchen" - bah mothers. who can live with em!!) Anyway, venting out of the way for the moment, back to the topic at hand....
Ok so I made a boob cake for my nephew Nathan's 18th Birthday in August.
What more do boys (young men) like more than boobs and booze right??
well i like cake so its an inevitable combination.....
Everyone seemed to like it, except maybe a couple of prudish people,
but general reception was good and it seemed to go over well. whose up for panties cake next? (ok maybe my mind is just a lil dirty)
Birthday boy looking very happy with his cake
- i love this photo. so the look i was going for
- he didnt know he was getting cake like this

finished cake, obviously after someone rudely decided to cut it :(

just a different angle so u can see her curves i guess

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Cake Musings

Sometimes you just want cake... and every so often the cake wants you!!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

My Little Pony Castle Cake

For my friend Shelley's Birthday we made this My Little Pony Castle Cake...
It's a multicoloured rainbow layer cake inside, with two different levels. It was great fun to make, because its a fun cake, and because of the great help i had in Shelley and Dawny.

(close up of the top level)

This is the inside, very easy to make and put together.
The layers didn't shift much until we had to cut it.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Cake Fail

This is Dawny. Dawny should stick to cooking and not baking!! I kid, I kid.
So we made cakes for D to take to her interview for Red Balloon.
They didnt turn out too bad in the end, but alas did not get her the job :(

little tiny mini cupcakes... bite size, but you can't have just one

Me and the oven!! see the cupcakes baking!

Go! Go! Cupcakes Go!

see they are teeny tiny

then there was icing

and some drawing of balloons and they were done!!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Rainbow cupcakes

ok so friday's baking was an adventure in colour or more precisely in colours.
started with ordinary cake mix and added colours.
Green, Yellow, Pink, Blue and Purple

i thought they came out very bright and colourful

until i opened them up and realised they were very very bright and colourful.
i think they are rather cool, as did the girls!
all of them are different inside, and i think its interesting
how the colour patterns have turned out
will have to make them again!!
they didnt really need icing, but i think next time i will
put plain white icing on top
just for the contrast!

Friday, July 31, 2009

There are Two Kinds of ppl in the world....

There are two kinds of people in the world. Those who like cupcakes...

and those who really, REALLY like cupcakes

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


ok so they are shoes, not cake. but its my blog and i'll write what i want to...

Saw these shoes while shopping today, think they are cool, but they only come in kids size :(
I really like the stars, and the colours. Really really want them!!!

I want them.... oh and if you want to relate it to cake: I could make a cake version of them!!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Rubber Duckie You're the One

So i thought i'd start with the most recent cake i've made. Using the Wilton Duck cake pan, i made a cute little rubber duckie for my nephews first birthday. He really seemed to love it!!
Sorry I didn't take any pre-decoration photos, but enjoy the post-decoration.

Monday, July 27, 2009

So the first post

so this is the first post, which no-one will probably ever read, bu i suppose i should make it a good one. hopefully this blog will be interesting, i just wanted a place to put my cakes out there, and discuss some ideas and things that i want to create. Ah!! The random brain of Ems, you gotta love it!!! anyway, i think that will do it for a first post. see how it goes